Feedback is now part of eDesk

Attract more reviews,
wherever you sell

Target positive feedback with smart selective requests on Amazon, eBay, Trustpilot and more.

Please visit eDesk Feedback for up-to-date pricing

FAQs on Pricing

Why use an automated feedback tool?

Customer reviews help you sell more at higher prices. Up to 90 percent of online shoppers rely on customer ratings or reviews to help them decide whether to purchase from your store or not. xSellco helps you get positive reviews by automating feedback requests to the right customers, on the right products at the right time.

What plan should I choose?

On average, our customers receive up to 3 reviews for every 10 requests sent. If you are sending 1,200 requests each week in return for 360 reviews, Feedback Basic pack will fit your business needs. To send up to 6,000 feedback requests per week, with the Feedback Professional pack, you can receive up to 1,880 reviews.

What is an automated feedback request?

xSellco helps you select the customers, products and schedule that are most likely to result in a positive review. You can define the rules you would like to apply to customers on any marketplace you sell on. Start generating positive feedback while you sleep!

How many feedback requests do I have with my free trial?

Every 14 day trial comes with 500 feedback requests. At the end of your trial we can help you pick the plan that suits your needs. You can upgrade your plan at any time!

Trusted by thousands of online retailers big and small

We’ve been hitting 100% positive feedback since we started using xSellco. Our Amazon feedback is now at 100% which was previously unheard of for us.
Using xSellco we have increased our feedback across Amazon and eBay to over 400 positive reviews per month, maintaining a 99% positive seller rating.

Start selling smarter today

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