
Limitless: eCommerce translation tools help you sell internationally

“Without translation, I would be limited to the borders of my own country.” – Italo Calvino, Italian journalist & author

There are 6,500 languages spoken in the world today. Mandarin Chinese is the most common with over 1.2 billion speakers, followed by Spanish at 414 million, English at 335 million and Hindi with around 260 million speakers.

If you’re thinking about selling in a new marketplace, an important factor to consider is whether you have the capacity to support the local language. Providing a consistent, seamless eCommerce Customer Support experience across all your channels is vital.

Will you be able to respond to queries? Do you understand the issues well enough to address them confidently?  Can you provide the same level of support to all your customers regardless of where they live?

Despite Amazon and eBay making it much easier to sell in Germany, Italy, France & Spain, for example, many sellers are yet to take advantage. When it comes to giving your customers winning support, language barriers add complexity.

Respond quickly and accurately

Automatic eCommerce translation tools remove those barriers. Most of us don’t have the resources to hire a professional translator. Trying to get by doing it manually is time consuming, unreliable and potentially damaging to your reputation.

Seller rating and reputation depend on how well you deal with customer enquires. By being able to respond quickly and accurately, you’ll improve both your average and first response times, while being able to confidently deal with situations to reduce negative feedback and convert more sales.

Convert queries into sales

Automated tools translate incoming messages into your own language, and automatically translate your replies into the customers’ language. You give customers a level of service that differentiates you from other sellers. With better communication tools, you provide better service, improve your seller rating and win more customers. Multichannel sellers must be able to compete in as many marketplaces as possible.

A multichannel, multilingual service

Our customer support tool Fusion is built with a state of the art auto-translation tool that helps online sellers reply quickly and accurately to customers. Fusion automatically detects the language of every message you receive and translates it into your language.

Write your reply in your language and we deliver it in your customer’s language. The Language Translator supports 50 languages, including Welsh, Haitian Creole and Hmong Daw.

Interested in learning more about xSellco Fusion? Request a free 14-day trial.

With the power of eCommerce translation tools the world has become a smaller place – but your potential market has grown exponentially.