
14 step seller checklist for Black Friday weekend

Black Friday has been a longstanding fixture of the retail calendar in the United States, with the traditional post-thanksgiving discounting dating back to the early 1950s.

While the tradition itself isn’t particularly new, Black Friday weekend has certainly evolved in recent years with the trend towards online shopping accelerating rapidly. US retailers generated $7.9 billion in online sales from both Thanksgiving and Black Friday in 2017, up 17.9% from the year before.

The growth in online shopping has also added an international element to Black Friday Weekend, with the United Kingdom experiencing higher sales in November than December for the first time ever in 2017.

The continual surge in Black Friday sales is a massive opportunity for online retailers looking for a strong finish to the year, but in order to make the most of it, serious preparation is required.

Click on the image below to see our 14 Point seller checklist for Black Friday!


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